Hunting With Us
Experience pheasant hunting like no other in Eastern Canada. No limit hunting with experienced guides and trained dogs on over 2,500 acres of prime pheasant hunting terrain just like the Western U.S. and Canada. Enjoy the Western Hunting Experience so close to home.
What We Hunt
The sport of kings-The Ringed Necked Pheasant. Our preserve covers our entire property of 2500 acres. The abundance of pheasants is due to our regular release of natural birds throughout the preserve through our “Lets Go Wild” program, which has been rated top notch by all who visit our preserve
The pheasants that have been missed over the various hunts are left on the preserve to winter and mate to add to the growing number of the pheasant population. For the hunt of a lifetime visit Hanscome Outdoor Adventures.
We also offer big game hunts.
For New Brunswick residents who are fortunate enough to get drawn, we have a thriving population of wild turkeys on our properties.
Black Bear
We offer a spring and fall hunt. Our hunts take place on private land. This style of agricultural hunt allows us to offer spot and stock hunting as well as baited sites.
We have a fall season for white tail deer.
Our camps are located in the heart of moose country. Our guides have an enviable success rate.
Our Hunting Dogs
We use Brittany’s as our hunting dogs. The Brittany is made for the types of sporting activities offered through Hanscome Outdoors. Our Brittany’s are medium-sized, very athletic and agile. They are very approachable and get along great with strangers. They love to work and exercise in the great outdoors.
These sporting dogs were bred primarily to hunt game birds alongside humans. It has been said that they are perhaps the most intelligent of the sporting dog breeds because of their easibility to training and how well they interact with people.
We know that you’ll find a great companion during your stay.
You do however have the option of bringing along your own hunting dogs if you wish.
Hunter Safety
At Hanscome Outdoor Adventures, we are ambassadors of gun and hunter safety.
You can be assured hunter safety is top of mind everyday on every hunt. Our experienced professional guides will ensure that all gun safety guidelines are followed.
Frequently Asked Questions
Young Hunters
For over 20 years, we have placed and emphasis on promoting youth hunting and safety. Contact Us for more details.